ditched projection matrix

This commit is contained in:
gbrochar 2020-12-16 17:04:21 +01:00
parent 3953ea0d4e
commit c8f1a5928b
2 changed files with 142 additions and 157 deletions

View File

@ -30,9 +30,24 @@ fn main() {
// let surface = Surface::from_data(&mut data, 800, 600, 3, PixelFormatEnum::RGB24).unwrap();
let texture_creator = canvas.texture_creator();
let mut event_pump = sdl_context.event_pump().unwrap();
// let mut i = 0;
let mut i = -15;
'running: loop {
render(&mut *data);
for event in event_pump.poll_iter() {
match event {
Event::Quit { .. }
| Event::KeyDown {
keycode: Some(Keycode::Escape),
} => break 'running,
_ => {}
render(&mut *data, i);
i += 1;
if i > 15 {
i = -15
// put_pixel(
// &mut *data,
// i,
@ -56,15 +71,5 @@ fn main() {
canvas.copy(&texture, None, None).unwrap();
for event in event_pump.poll_iter() {
match event {
Event::Quit { .. }
| Event::KeyDown {
keycode: Some(Keycode::Escape),
} => break 'running,
_ => {}

View File

@ -13,151 +13,67 @@ fn put_pixel(data: &mut [u8], x: usize, y: usize, color: Color) {
data[y * 3 * 800 + x * 3 + 2] = color.b;
pub fn render(data: &mut [u8]) {
pub fn render(data: &mut [u8], i: i32) {
let sphere = Sphere {};
let projection_matrix: [f64; 16] = *mat4::perspective(
let view_matrix = *mat4::inv(
&mut mat4::new_zero(),
&(45. * 3.141592 / 180.),
&(800. / 800.),
// let view_matrix: [f64; 16] = *mat4::translate(
// &mut mat4::new_identity(),
// &mat4::new_identity(),
// &vec3::new(0., 0., -10.),
// );
let mut view_matrix = mat4::new_zero();
// view_matrix[0] = 1.;
// view_matrix[4] = 0.;
// view_matrix[8] = 0.;
// view_matrix[12] = 0.;
// view_matrix[1] = 0.;
// view_matrix[5] = 1.;
// view_matrix[9] = 0.;
// view_matrix[13] = 0.;
// view_matrix[2] = 0.;
// view_matrix[6] = 0.;
// view_matrix[10] = 1.;
// view_matrix[14] = 0.;
// view_matrix[3] = 0.;
// view_matrix[7] = 0.;
// view_matrix[11] = -10.;
// view_matrix[15] = 1.;
view_matrix[0] = 1.;
view_matrix[1] = 0.;
view_matrix[2] = 0.;
view_matrix[3] = 0.;
view_matrix[4] = 0.;
view_matrix[5] = 1.;
view_matrix[6] = 0.;
view_matrix[7] = 0.;
view_matrix[8] = 0.;
view_matrix[9] = 0.;
view_matrix[10] = 1.;
view_matrix[11] = 0.;
view_matrix[12] = 0.;
view_matrix[13] = 0.;
view_matrix[14] = 10.;
view_matrix[15] = 1.;
let _model_matrix: [f64; 16] = *mat4::rotate_y(
&mut mat4::new_identity(),
&mut mat4::new_identity(),
&vec3::new(0.5, 0.5, 0.),
&(3.141592 / 4.),
let _model_matrix: [f64; 16] = *mat4::translate(
&mut mat4::new_identity(),
&mut mat4::new_identity(),
&(3.141592 / 4.),
&vec3::new(0.5, 0.5, 0.),
let _model_matrix: [f64; 16] = *mat4::translate(
&mut mat4::new_identity(),
&vec3::new(0.5, 0.5, 0.),
let _model_matrix: [f64; 16] = *mat4::rotate_y(
&mut mat4::new_identity(),
&(3.141592 / 40.),
let _model_matrix: [f64; 16] =
*mat4::rotate_y(&mut mat4::new_identity(), &mat4::new_identity(), &0.03);
let model_matrix: [f64; 16] = *mat4::scale(
&mut mat4::new_zero(),
&mut mat4::new_zero(),
&mut mat4::new_zero(),
&vec3::new(0., 0., 0.),
&[0., 0., 20.],
&[0., 0., 19.],
&[0., 1., 0.],
&(3.141592 / 4.),
&vec3::new(1., 1., 1.),
// let model_matrix: [f64; 16] = *mat4::scale(
// let view_matrix = *mat4::look_at(
// &mut mat4::new_zero(),
// mat4::translate(
// &mut mat4::new_zero(),
// &mat4::new_identity(),
// &vec3::new(0.5, 0.5, 0.),
// ),
// &vec3::new(1., 2., 1.),
// &[0., 0., 10.],
// &[0., 0., 9.],
// &[0., 1., 0.],
// );
// let model_matrix = mat4::new_identity();
let scale = *mat4::scale(
&mut mat4::new_zero(),
&vec3::new(1. / 1., 1. / 3., 1. / 1.),
let translate = *mat4::translate(
&mut mat4::new_zero(),
&vec3::new(-i as f64, -i as f64, 0.),
let rotate = *mat4::transpose(
&mut mat4::new_zero(),
&mut mat4::new_zero(),
&(3.141592 / 4.),
&(3.141592 / 4.),
let model_matrix_tmp = *mat4::mul(&mut mat4::new_zero(), &scale, &rotate);
let model_matrix1 = *mat4::mul(&mut mat4::new_zero(), &model_matrix_tmp, &translate);
for x in 0..800 {
for y in 0..800 {
let mut view_projection_matrix = mat4::new_zero();
mat4::mul(&mut view_projection_matrix, &model_matrix, &view_matrix);
let mut model_view_projection_matrix = mat4::new_zero();
&mut model_view_projection_matrix,
let mut inverse_view_projection_matrix = mat4::new_zero();
&mut inverse_view_projection_matrix,
let far = vec4::new((x as f64 - 400.) / 400., (y as f64 - 400.) / 400., 1., 0.);
let near = vec4::new((x as f64 - 400.) / 400., (y as f64 - 400.) / 400., 0., 0.);
let mut new_far = vec4::new_zero();
let mut new_near = vec4::new_zero();
vec4::transform_mat4(&mut new_far, &far, &inverse_view_projection_matrix);
vec4::transform_mat4(&mut new_near, &near, &inverse_view_projection_matrix);
new_far[0] /= new_far[3];
new_far[1] /= new_far[3];
new_far[2] /= new_far[3];
new_far[3] /= new_far[3];
new_near[0] /= new_near[3];
new_near[1] /= new_near[3];
new_near[2] /= new_near[3];
new_near[3] /= new_near[3];
// let mut ray = Ray {
// origin: [view_matrix[3], view_matrix[7], view_matrix[11]],
// direction: [
// new_far[0] - new_near[0],
// new_far[1] - new_near[1],
// new_far[2] - new_near[2],
// ],
// };
let pi_4: f64 = 3.141592 / 3.;
let dirx = (2. * ((x as f64 + 0.5) / 800.) - 1.) * pi_4.tan();
let diry = (1. - 2. * ((y as f64 + 0.5) / 800.)) * pi_4.tan();
let scalar = (dirx.powi(2) + diry.powi(2) + 1.).sqrt();
let mut ray = Ray {
origin: [view_matrix[12], view_matrix[13], view_matrix[14]],
direction: [
new_far[0] - new_near[0],
new_far[1] - new_near[1],
new_far[2] - new_near[2],
origin: [0., 0., 0.],
direction: [dirx / scalar, diry / scalar, -1. / scalar],
let test = ray.direction;
vec3::transform_mat4(&mut ray.direction, &test, &view_matrix);
let test = ray.direction;
vec3::transform_mat4(&mut ray.direction, &test, &model_matrix1);
let test = ray.origin;
vec3::transform_mat4(&mut ray.origin, &test, &view_matrix);
let test = ray.origin;
vec3::transform_mat4(&mut ray.origin, &test, &model_matrix1);
ray.direction[0] = ray.direction[0] - ray.origin[0];
ray.direction[1] = ray.direction[1] - ray.origin[1];
ray.direction[2] = ray.direction[2] - ray.origin[2];
let scalar =
(ray.direction[0].powi(2) + ray.direction[1].powi(2) + ray.direction[2].powi(2))
@ -166,17 +82,17 @@ pub fn render(data: &mut [u8]) {
ray.direction[1] / scalar,
ray.direction[2] / scalar,
if x == 0 && y == 0 {
println!("{:?}", ray);
// let ray2 = Box::clone(&Box::new(ray));
// vec3::transform_mat4(&mut ray.direction, &ray2.direction, &projection_matrix);
//let ray2 = Box::clone(&Box::new(ray));
//vec3::transform_mat4(&mut ray.origin, &ray2.origin, &view_matrix);
// let ray2 = Box::clone(&Box::new(ray));
// vec3::transform_mat4(&mut ray.origin, &ray2.origin, &model_matrix);
match sphere.get_intersection(ray) {
Some(dist) => {
let ray2 = ray;
let mut distances = Vec::new();
let a = (distances[0], distances[1]);
match a {
(Some(dist), None) => {
let n = [
ray.origin[0] + ray.direction[0] * dist,
ray.origin[1] + ray.direction[1] * dist,
@ -196,14 +112,78 @@ pub fn render(data: &mut [u8]) {
Color {
r: (diffuse * 255. * 0.9 + 0.1 * 255.) as u8,
r: (diffuse * 128. * 0.9 + 0.1 * 255.) as u8,
g: 0,
b: (diffuse * 255. * 0.9 + 0.1 * 255.) as u8,
a: 0,
(None, Some(dist)) => {
let n = [
ray2.origin[0] + ray2.direction[0] * dist,
ray2.origin[1] + ray2.direction[1] * dist,
ray2.origin[2] + ray2.direction[2] * dist,
let normal = sphere.get_normal(n);
let light = [n[0] - 10., n[1] - 10., n[2] + 10.];
let scalar = (light[0].powi(2) + light[1].powi(2) + light[2].powi(2)).sqrt();
let light_d = [light[0] / scalar, light[1] / scalar, light[2] / scalar];
let mut diffuse =
normal[0] * light_d[0] + normal[1] * light_d[1] + normal[2] * light_d[2];
if diffuse < 0. {
diffuse = 0.;
&mut *data,
Color {
r: 0,
g: (diffuse * 255. * 0.9 + 0.1 * 255.) as u8,
b: (diffuse * 255. * 0.9 + 0.1 * 255.) as u8,
a: 0,
None => {
(Some(dist1), Some(dist2)) => {
let n;
if dist1 < dist2 {
n = [
ray.origin[0] + ray.direction[0] * dist1,
ray.origin[1] + ray.direction[1] * dist1,
ray.origin[2] + ray.direction[2] * dist1,
} else {
n = [
ray2.origin[0] + ray2.direction[0] * dist2,
ray2.origin[1] + ray2.direction[1] * dist2,
ray2.origin[2] + ray2.direction[2] * dist2,
let normal = sphere.get_normal(n);
let light = [n[0] - 10., n[1] - 10., n[2] + 10.];
let scalar = (light[0].powi(2) + light[1].powi(2) + light[2].powi(2)).sqrt();
let light_d = [light[0] / scalar, light[1] / scalar, light[2] / scalar];
let mut diffuse =
normal[0] * light_d[0] + normal[1] * light_d[1] + normal[2] * light_d[2];
if diffuse < 0. {
diffuse = 0.;
&mut *data,
Color {
r: 0,
g: (diffuse * 255. * 0.9 + 0.1 * 255.) as u8,
b: (diffuse * 255. * 0.9 + 0.1 * 255.) as u8,
a: 0,
(None, None) => {
&mut *data,