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# curiousroamers
curiousroamers' blog
# Installation
You need a postgresql databased called curiousroamers setup
You have to specify in the .env file :
Then :
```npm install```
```npm run build```
```npm start```
If you wanna create an admin you gotta create a new UniqueLink row in the
uniquelink table, then go to localhost:3000/admin/signup/:uuid (:uuid being the
UniqueLink row's uuid) to create an account.
The admin page is not very pretty at the moment cause it's frontend ain't done.
I have a project of transforming this website into a simple blog CMS.
# Design curious roamers
## Todo
### Responsiveness
* Pages utilisateurs
* Pages admin
### Pages
* Home (Notre voyage)
* Qui sommes nous ?
* Contact
* Blog
### Contact
* Coordonees
* Formulaire de contact comme wordpress -siteweb
### Mail
* Check port to use (25, 465, 587 or 2525)
* Nodemailer for node
* Postfix for server
* Check MailHog
### Blog
* Article (markdown)
* Voir plus (sans description)
* Plusieurs tag par article
* Formulaire de contact et source du contact
### Tag
* Recherche par tag
* tag cliquables
### Footer
* Que sur la homepage
* A propos
* Nous contacter
* Donation
### Admin
* connection classique
* Ajouter article
* Supprimer article
* Editer article
## Done
### Responsiveness
### Pages
### Contact
### Blog
### Tag