
104 lines
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import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from random import randint
from Ft_array import *
class Ft_logistic_regression():
This class handle LogisticRegression for a given dataset, it detects how many features there is in the dataset
and uppon calling gradient descent, set the variable raw_thetas to the result of n epochs of gradient descent on starting raw_thetas.
All values in X are normalized so regression is faster.
when we access j, we access a feature, when we access i, we access a sample.
for example, accessing X[i,j] means accessing the jth feature of the ith sample.
we only access data in y with i and data in thetas with j for clarity
m is the number of samples in the dataset
n is the number of features in the dataset
raw_data is the data sent by user. it's never overwritten.
raw_thetas are the starting thetas sent by user. it's overwritten at the end of a gradient_descent call
X is the normalized data array of size m * n + 1. The first column of X is filled with 1s for quick hypothesis computation
y is the values vector of size m * 1.
thetas are the normalized thetas vector of size n + 1. They're updated at each epochs of the gradient_descent function
def __init__(self, data, epochs = 1000, learning_rate = 0.001):
self.cost = []
self.epochs = epochs
self.learning_rate = learning_rate
self.raw_data = data
self.m = self.raw_data.shape[0];
self.n = self.raw_data.shape[1] - 1;
self.thetas = np.zeros(self.n + 1)
def gradient_descent(self):
for n in range (0, 20000):
self.thetas = self.__gradient_descent_epoch()
if (n % 10 == 0):
cost = self.get_cost()
if (cost < 0.1):
self.raw_thetas = np.empty(len(self.thetas))
self.raw_thetas[0] = ft_mean(self.y)
for j in range(1, self.n + 1):
self.raw_thetas[j] = (self.thetas[j]) / (ft_max(self.raw_data[:, j - 1]) - ft_min(self.raw_data[:, j - 1]))
self.raw_thetas[0] -= self.raw_thetas[j] * np.nanmean(self.raw_data[:, j - 1])
def get_cost(self):
cost = 0;
for i in range (0, self.m):
if not np.isnan(self.X[i]).any():
cost += self.y[i] * np.log(self.__predict(i)) + (1 - self.y[i]) * np.log(1 - self.__predict(i))
cost /= float(self.m)
return -cost
# Adds a column filled with 1 (So Theta0 * x0 = Theta0) and apply ft_minft_max normalization to the raw data
def __get_scaled_data(self):
self.X = np.empty(shape=(self.m, self.n + 1)) # create the data matrix of size m * n
self.X[:, 0] = 1
self.y = np.empty(shape=(self.m, 1))
self.y = self.raw_data[:, self.raw_data.shape[1] - 1] # copy y values of rawdata to y vector
# assign raw data to X matrix
for j in range(0, self.n):
self.X[:, j + 1] = self.raw_data[:, j]
# normalize the raw data stored in X matrix using min max normalization
for j in range(1, self.n + 1):
self.X[:, j] = (self.X[:, j] - ft_min(self.raw_data[:, j - 1])) / (ft_max(self.raw_data[:, j - 1]) - ft_min(self.raw_data[:, j - 1]))
def __get_scaled_thetas(self):
self.thetas = np.empty(self.n + 1)
self.thetas[0] = self.raw_thetas[len(self.raw_thetas) - 1]
for j in range(0, self.n):
self.thetas[j + 1] = self.raw_thetas[j + 1] * (ft_max(self.raw_data[:, j]) - ft_min(self.raw_data[:, j]))
def __gradient_descent_epoch(self):
new_thetas = np.zeros(self.n + 1)
samples = list(range(100))
for i in range(self.m):
j = randint(1, self.m)
if (j < 100):
samples[j] = i
for i in samples:
delta = self.__predict(i) - self.y[i]
if not np.isnan(self.X[i]).any():
for j in range(self.n + 1):
new_thetas[j] += delta * self.X[i, j]
new_thetas[:] = self.thetas[:] - (self.learning_rate / float(self.m)) * new_thetas[:]
return new_thetas
def __predict(self, i):
h = self.__sigmoid(np.dot(self.thetas, self.X[i]))
return h
def __sigmoid(self, h):
return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-h))