# description The purpose is to control a ws2811 led strip with esp32 using the rust language. However we start with arduino instead of esp32 because they have logical output in 5v. ## resource [ws28 family led strip comparator](https://www.derunledlights.com/the-difference-between-addressable-rgb-led-strip-ws2811-ws2812b-ws2813-ws2815-sk6812-sk9822/ "ws28 family led strip comparator") [fast led library (to controle the ledstrip)](https://github.com/FastLED/FastLED "fast led library (to controle the ledstrip)") [arduino and ws2811 assembly diagrah](https://ampermarket.kz/images/ws2811-arduino-conn-var-001.jpg) [add user to a group allowing to use ttyusb without being super user](https://forum.arduino.cc/t/permission-denied-on-dev-ttyacm0/475568/14)