#include "rsa.h" void bigint_set_random_bytes(bigint_t n) { int fd = open("/dev/urandom", O_RDONLY); read(fd, n.data, n.len * sizeof(uint32_t)); close(fd); } void bigint_set_msb_and_lsb_to_one(bigint_t n) { n.data[0] |= 1; n.data[n.len - 1] |= 1 << 31; } void bigint_bitwise_right_shift(bigint_t n) { size_t size = sizeof(uint32_t) * 8 - 1; for (size_t i = 0; i < n.len - 1; i++) { n.data[i] = n.data[i] >> 1 | (n.data[i + 1] & 1) << size; } n.data[n.len - 1] >>= 1; } void bigint_bitwise_left_shift(bigint_t n) { size_t size = sizeof(uint32_t) * 8 - 1; for (int i = n.len - 1; i > 0; i--) { n.data[i] = n.data[i] << 1 | ((n.data[i - 1] & (1 << size)) >> size); } n.data[0] <<= 1; } bigint_t assignable_bigint_bitwise_left_shift(bigint_t n) { bigint_t result = bigint_clone(n); size_t size = sizeof(uint32_t) * 8 - 1; for (int i = result.len - 1; i > 0; i--) { result.data[i] = result.data[i] << 1 | ((result.data[i - 1] & (1 << size)) >> size); } result.data[0] <<= 1; return result; } // Will underflow void bigint_decrement(bigint_t n) { size_t cursor = 0; size_t size = sizeof(uint32_t) * 8; while (cursor < size * n.len) { n.data[cursor / size] = n.data[cursor / size] ^ (1 << (cursor % size)); if (((n.data[cursor / size] >> (cursor % size)) & 1) == 0) { return; } cursor += 1; } } // TODO refactor/clean assume same length ? int bigint_cmp(bigint_t a, bigint_t b) { uint32_t size = sizeof(uint32_t) * 8; uint32_t acursor = size * a.len - 1; uint32_t bcursor = size * b.len - 1; while (acursor > bcursor) { if (a.data[acursor / size] & (1 << acursor % size)) { return 1; } acursor -= 1; } while (bcursor > acursor) { if (b.data[bcursor / size] & (1 << bcursor % size)) { return -1; } bcursor -= 1; } int cursor = acursor; while (cursor >= 0) { uint32_t abit = a.data[cursor / size] & (1 << (cursor % size)); uint32_t bbit = b.data[cursor / size] & (1 << (cursor % size)); if (abit > bbit) { return 1; } if (bbit > abit) { return -1; } cursor -= 1; } return 0; } // TODO check opti void bigint_substraction(bigint_t a, bigint_t bb) { bigint_t b = bigint_clone(bb); if (a.len > bb.len) { bigint_destroy(b); b = bigint_zero(a.len); memcpy(b.data, bb.data, b.len * sizeof(uint32_t)); } if (a.len != b.len) { printf("error: attempting to substract numbers of different length\n"); exit(1); } bigint_t borrow = bigint_clone(b); bigint_t y = bigint_clone(b); bigint_t zero = bigint_zero(a.len); while (bigint_cmp(borrow, zero)) { for (size_t i = 0; i < a.len; i++) { borrow.data[i] = ~a.data[i] & y.data[i]; a.data[i] = a.data[i] ^ y.data[i]; } bigint_destroy(y); y = assignable_bigint_bitwise_left_shift(borrow); } bigint_destroy(b); bigint_destroy(y); bigint_destroy(borrow); bigint_destroy(zero); } // TODO check opti void custom_bigint_modulo(bigint_t a, bigint_t b, bigint_t result) { bigint_set_zeros(result); memcpy(result.data, a.data, a.len * sizeof(uint32_t)); bigint_t mod = bigint_clone(b); if (a.len > b.len) { bigint_destroy(mod); mod = bigint_zero(a.len); memcpy(mod.data, b.data, b.len * sizeof(uint32_t)); } if (bigint_cmp(result, b) == -1) { bigint_destroy(mod); return ; } bigint_bitwise_left_shift(mod); while (bigint_cmp(b, mod) == -1) { while (bigint_cmp(result, mod) == 1) { bigint_bitwise_left_shift(mod); } bigint_bitwise_right_shift(mod); if (bigint_cmp(result, mod) == 1) { bigint_substraction(result, mod); } } while (bigint_cmp(result, b) == 1) { bigint_substraction(result, b); } bigint_destroy(mod); } bigint_t bigint_new(size_t len) { bigint_t bigint; bigint.len = len; bigint.data = (uint32_t *)protected_malloc(len * sizeof(uint32_t)); return bigint; } bigint_t bigint_zero(size_t len) { bigint_t bigint; bigint = bigint_new(len); for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) { bigint.data[i] = 0; } return bigint; } bigint_t bigint_clone(bigint_t src) { bigint_t dst; dst.len = src.len; dst.data = (uint32_t *)protected_malloc(src.len * sizeof(uint32_t)); memcpy(dst.data, src.data, src.len * sizeof(uint32_t)); return dst; } void bigint_destroy(bigint_t n) { free(n.data); n.data = NULL; } void bigint_add(bigint_t a, bigint_t b) { bigint_t result = bigint_zero(a.len); size_t size = sizeof(uint32_t) * 8; size_t width = a.len * size; uint32_t carriage = 0; for (size_t cursor = 0; cursor < width; cursor++) { uint32_t a_bit = a.data[cursor / size] >> (cursor % size) & 1; uint32_t b_bit = b.data[cursor / size] >> (cursor % size) & 1; result.data[cursor / size] |= (a_bit ^ b_bit ^ carriage) << (cursor % size); carriage = (a_bit & b_bit) | ((a_bit ^ b_bit) & carriage); } memcpy(a.data, result.data, a.len * sizeof(uint32_t)); bigint_destroy(result); } void bigint_set_zeros(bigint_t n) { for (size_t i = 0; i < n.len; i++) { n.data[i] = 0; } } void custom_bigint_mul(bigint_t a, bigint_t b, bigint_t result) { //bigint_t b_tool = bigint_zero(RSA_BLOCK_SIZE / 8 / sizeof(uint32_t) * 4); bigint_t b_tool = bigint_zero(a.len + b.len); size_t size = sizeof(uint32_t) * 8; size_t width = a.len * size; bigint_set_zeros(result); for (size_t cursor = 0; cursor < width; cursor++) { if (a.data[cursor / 32] >> (cursor % 32) & 1) { bigint_set_zeros(b_tool); memcpy(b_tool.data, b.data, b.len * sizeof(uint32_t)); for (size_t i = 0; i < cursor; i++) { bigint_bitwise_left_shift(b_tool); } bigint_add(result, b_tool); } } bigint_destroy(b_tool); } // a^e mod n // clean memory tricks !!! void custom_bigint_pow_mod(bigint_t a, bigint_t e, bigint_t n, bigint_t result, bigint_t custom, bigint_t custom2) { bigint_set_zeros(result); bigint_set_zeros(custom); bigint_set_zeros(custom2); memcpy(result.data, a.data, a.len * sizeof(uint32_t)); size_t size = sizeof(uint32_t) * 8; int cursor = e.len * size - 1; while (!(e.data[cursor / 32] & 1 << (cursor % 32))) { cursor--; } cursor--; while (cursor >= 0) { custom_bigint_mul(result, result, custom); custom_bigint_modulo(custom, n, custom2); bigint_set_zeros(result); memcpy(result.data, custom2.data, custom2.len * sizeof(uint32_t)); if (e.data[cursor / 32] & 1 << (cursor % 32)) { custom_bigint_mul(result, a, custom); custom_bigint_modulo(custom, n, custom2); memcpy(result.data, custom2.data, custom2.len * sizeof(uint32_t)); } cursor -= 1; } } void bigint_print(bigint_t n) { for (int i = n.len - 1; i >= 0; i--) { printf("bigint %ud\n", n.data[i]); } } void bulk_destroy(bigint_t x, bigint_t y, bigint_t n, bigint_t d, bigint_t two, bigint_t one, bigint_t n_minus_two, bigint_t n_minus_one) { bigint_destroy(x); bigint_destroy(y); bigint_destroy(n); bigint_destroy(d); bigint_destroy(two); bigint_destroy(one); bigint_destroy(n_minus_two); bigint_destroy(n_minus_one); } /* bigint_t bigint_random_range(bigint_t low, bigint_t high) { } */ bigint_t bigint_prime(size_t len) { bigint_t n = bigint_zero(len); bigint_set_random_bytes(n); bigint_set_msb_and_lsb_to_one(n); bigint_t d = bigint_clone(n); d.data[0] -= 1; uint32_t s = 0; while (!(d.data[0] & 1)) { bigint_bitwise_right_shift(d); s += 1; } bigint_t x = bigint_zero(RSA_BLOCK_SIZE / 8 / sizeof(uint32_t) * 4); bigint_t y = bigint_zero(RSA_BLOCK_SIZE / 8 / sizeof(uint32_t) * 4); bigint_t custom = bigint_zero(RSA_BLOCK_SIZE / 8 / sizeof(uint32_t) * 4); bigint_t custom2 = bigint_zero(RSA_BLOCK_SIZE / 8 / sizeof(uint32_t) * 4); bigint_t two = bigint_zero(len); two.data[0] = 2; bigint_t one = bigint_zero(len); one.data[0] = 1; bigint_t n_minus_two = bigint_clone(n); bigint_t n_minus_one = bigint_clone(n); n_minus_two.data[0] -= 1; n_minus_one.data[0] -= 1; bigint_decrement(n_minus_two); bigint_t a = bigint_zero(len); for (uint32_t k = 0; k < 128; k++) { bigint_set_zeros(a); while (bigint_cmp(a, two) == -1 || bigint_cmp(a, n_minus_two) == 1) { bigint_set_random_bytes(a); } custom_bigint_pow_mod(a, d, n, x, custom, custom2); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < s; i++) { custom_bigint_pow_mod(x, two, n, y, custom, custom2); if (bigint_cmp(y, one) == 0 && bigint_cmp(x, one) != 0 && bigint_cmp(x, n_minus_one) != 0) { bulk_destroy(x, y, n, d, two, one, n_minus_two, n_minus_one); bigint_destroy(custom); bigint_destroy(custom2); bigint_destroy(a); return bigint_prime(len); } bigint_destroy(x); x = bigint_clone(y); } if (bigint_cmp(y, one) != 0) { bulk_destroy(x, y, n, d, two, one, n_minus_two, n_minus_one); bigint_destroy(custom); bigint_destroy(custom2); bigint_destroy(a); return bigint_prime(len); } } bulk_destroy(x, y, custom, d, two, one, n_minus_two, n_minus_one); bigint_destroy(custom2); bigint_destroy(a); return n; }