#!/usr/bin/env python import re import sys from xml.dom.minidom import parse, Node # # DOM traversal utility functions # def findChildren(node, path): result = [] if len(path)==1: for i in node.childNodes: if i.nodeType==Node.ELEMENT_NODE: if i.tagName==path[0]: result.append(i) else: for i in node.childNodes: if i.nodeType==Node.ELEMENT_NODE: if i.tagName==path[0]: result.extend(findChildren(i, path[1:])) return result def findData(node, path): return [ i.firstChild.data for i in findChildren(node, path) ] isPointer = re.compile('(.*)([ ]+)([*]+)') def findParams(node): n = findData(node, ['name'])[0] t = '' for i in node.childNodes: if i.nodeType==Node.TEXT_NODE: t += i.data if i.nodeType==Node.ELEMENT_NODE and i.tagName=='ptype': t += i.firstChild.data t.strip() m = isPointer.match(t) if m: t = ('%s%s'%(m.group(1), m.group(3))).strip() return ( t, n.strip()) def findEnums(dom): ret = {} for i in findChildren(dom, [ 'registry', 'enums', 'enum' ]): n = i.getAttribute('name') v = i.getAttribute('value') ret[n] = v return ret def findCommands(dom): ret = {} for i in findChildren(dom, [ 'registry', 'commands', 'command' ]): r,n = findParams(findChildren(i, ['proto'])[0]) p = [ findParams(j) for j in findChildren(i, ['param'])] ret[n] = (r, p) return ret def findFeatures(dom): ret = {} for i in findChildren(dom, [ 'registry', 'feature' ]): n = i.getAttribute('name') e = [] c = [] for j in findChildren(i, [ 'require', 'enum' ]): e.append(j.getAttribute("name")) for j in findChildren(i, [ 'require', 'command' ]): c.append(j.getAttribute("name")) ret[n] = (e,c) return ret def findExtensions(dom): ret = {} for i in findChildren(dom, [ 'registry', 'extensions', 'extension' ]): n = i.getAttribute('name') e = [] c = [] for j in findChildren(i, [ 'require', 'enum' ]): e.append(j.getAttribute("name")) for j in findChildren(i, [ 'require', 'command' ]): c.append(j.getAttribute("name")) ret[n] = (e,c) return ret def findApi(dom, name): enums = findEnums(dom) commands = findCommands(dom) features = findFeatures(dom) extensions = findExtensions(dom) return (enums, commands, features, extensions) # # # isWGL = re.compile('WGL_([A-Z0-9]+)_.*') def writeExtension(f, name, extension, enums, commands): f.write(('%s\n'%name).encode()) url = 'https://www.khronos.org/registry/egl/specs/eglspec.1.5.pdf' m = isWGL.match(name) if m: url = 'https://www.khronos.org/registry/OpenGL/extensions/%s/%s.txt'%(m.group(1), name) f.write(('%s\n'%(url)).encode()) if name.find('_VERSION_')==-1: f.write(('%s\n'%name).encode()) else: f.write('\n'.encode()) f.write('\n'.encode()) enums = [ (j, enums[j]) for j in extension[0] ] for e in sorted(enums, key=lambda i: i[1]): f.write(('\t%s %s\n'%(e[0], e[1])).encode()) commands = [ (j, commands[j]) for j in extension[1] ] for c in sorted(commands): params = ', '.join( [ '%s %s'%(j[0].strip(), j[1].strip()) for j in c[1][1] ] ) if len(params)==0: params = 'void' f.write(('\t%s %s (%s)\n'%(c[1][0].strip(), c[0].strip(), params)).encode()) if __name__ == '__main__': from argparse import ArgumentParser import os parser = ArgumentParser(description='usage: %prog [options] [XML specs...]') parser.add_argument("--core", dest="core", help="location for core outputs", default='') parser.add_argument("--api", dest="name", help="API name: egl, wgl, glx, etc", default='') parser.add_argument("--extensions", dest="extensions", help="location for extensions outputs", default='') (options, args) = parser.parse_known_args() options = vars(options) for i in args: dom = parse(i) api = findApi(dom, options['name']) print('Found {} enums, {} commands, {} features and {} extensions.'.format( len(api[0]), len(api[1]), len(api[2]), len(api[3]))) if len(options['core']): for i in api[2].keys(): f = open('%s/%s'%(options['core'], i), 'wb') writeExtension(f, i, api[2][i], api[0], api[1]) f.close() if len(options['extensions']): for i in api[3].keys(): f = open('%s/%s'%(options['extensions'], i), 'wb') writeExtension(f, i, api[3][i], api[0], api[1]) f.close()