## Copyright (C) 2002-2008, Marcelo E. Magallon ## Copyright (C) 2002-2008, Milan Ikits ## ## This program is distributed under the terms and conditions of the GNU ## General Public License Version 2 as published by the Free Software ## Foundation or, at your option, any later version. include ../config/version #GLEW_SPLIT_SOURCE = yes SHELL = bash PYTHON ?= python EXT = extensions/gl CORE = core/gl REPO_OPENGL ?= https://github.com/KhronosGroup/OpenGL-Registry.git REPO_EGL ?= https://github.com/KhronosGroup/EGL-Registry.git REPO_GLFIXES ?= https://github.com/nigels-com/glfixes BIN = bin SRC = src BLACKLIST = blacklist GL_CORE_SPEC := $(CORE)/GL_VERSION* GLX_CORE_SPEC := $(CORE)/GLX_VERSION* EGL_CORE_SPEC := $(CORE)/EGL_VERSION* ifeq (custom,$(MAKECMDGOALS)) #GL_CORE_SPEC := $(shell grep GL_VERSION custom.txt | perl -pi -e "s=^=$(CORE)/=g;") GL_EXT_SPEC := $(shell grep "^[ \t]*GL_" custom.txt | grep -v GL_VERSION | perl -pi -e "s=^=$(EXT)/=g;") WGL_EXT_SPEC := $(shell grep "^[ \t]*WGL_" custom.txt | perl -pi -e "s=^=$(EXT)/=g;") #GLX_CORE_SPEC := $(shell grep GLX_VERSION custom.txt | perl -pi -e "s=^=$(CORE)/=g;") GLX_EXT_SPEC := $(shell grep "^[ \t]*GLX_" custom.txt | grep -v GLX_VERSION | perl -pi -e "s=^=$(EXT)/=g;") EGL_EXT_SPEC := $(shell grep "^[ \t]*EGL_" custom.txt | grep -v EGL_VERSION | perl -pi -e "s=^=$(EXT)/=g;") else GL_EXT_SPEC := $(EXT)/GL_* WGL_EXT_SPEC := $(EXT)/WGL_* GLX_EXT_SPEC := $(EXT)/GLX_* EGL_EXT_SPEC := $(EXT)/EGL_* endif PARSE_SPEC = parse_spec.pl SYSTEM = $(strip $(shell uname -s)) TOP = .. I.DEST = $(TOP)/include/GL S.DEST = $(TOP)/src D.DEST = $(TOP)/doc B.DEST = $(TOP)/build I.TARGETS = \ $(I.DEST)/glew.h \ $(I.DEST)/wglew.h \ $(I.DEST)/glxew.h \ $(I.DEST)/eglew.h ifeq (yes,$(GLEW_SPLIT_SOURCE)) S.TARGETS = \ $(S.DEST)/glew_def.c \ $(S.DEST)/glew_init.c \ $(S.DEST)/glew_str.c \ $(S.DEST)/glewinfo.c else S.TARGETS = \ $(S.DEST)/glew.c \ $(S.DEST)/glewinfo.c endif D.TARGETS = \ $(D.DEST)/index.html \ $(D.DEST)/install.html \ $(D.DEST)/basic.html \ $(D.DEST)/advanced.html \ $(D.DEST)/build.html \ $(D.DEST)/credits.html \ $(D.DEST)/log.html \ $(D.DEST)/glew.html \ $(D.DEST)/wglew.html \ $(D.DEST)/glxew.html B.TARGETS = \ $(B.DEST)/glew.rc \ $(B.DEST)/glewinfo.rc \ $(B.DEST)/visualinfo.rc all custom: $(I.TARGETS) $(S.TARGETS) $(D.TARGETS) $(B.TARGETS) ext: $(EXT)/.dummy OpenGL-Registry/.dummy: @echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------" @echo "Downloading OpenGL-Registry" @echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------" git clone $(REPO_OPENGL) OpenGL-Registry git clone --branch glew $(REPO_GLFIXES) glfixes touch $@ EGL-Registry/.dummy: @echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------" @echo "Downloading EGL-Registry" @echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------" git clone $(REPO_EGL) EGL-Registry touch $@ $(EXT)/.dummy: OpenGL-Registry/.dummy EGL-Registry/.dummy @echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------" @echo "OpenGL descriptors" @echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------" rm -rf $(EXT) cp -r glfixes/gl/specs/ANGLE OpenGL-Registry/extensions cp -r glfixes/gl/specs/REGAL OpenGL-Registry/extensions $(BIN)/update_ext.sh $(EXT) OpenGL-Registry/extensions $(BLACKLIST) @echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------" @echo "WGL descriptors" @echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------" rm -f $(EXT)/WGL_* $(PYTHON) $(BIN)/parse_xml.py OpenGL-Registry/xml/wgl.xml --api wgl --extensions extensions/gl @echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------" @echo "GLX descriptors" @echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------" rm -f $(EXT)/GLX_* $(PYTHON) $(BIN)/parse_xml.py OpenGL-Registry/xml/glx.xml --api glx --extensions extensions/gl @echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------" @echo "EGL descriptors" @echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------" $(PYTHON) $(BIN)/parse_xml.py EGL-Registry/api/egl.xml --api egl --extensions extensions/gl @echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------" @echo "filter descriptors" @echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------" $(BIN)/filter_gl_ext.sh $(EXT) ifeq ($(patsubst Darwin%,Darwin,$(SYSTEM)), Darwin) find $(CORE) -maxdepth 1 -type f | grep -v VERSION | grep -v "~" | \ xargs -J % cp % $(EXT) else find $(CORE) -maxdepth 1 -type f | grep -v VERSION | grep -v "~" | \ xargs -I % -n 1 cp % $(EXT) endif touch $@ $(I.DEST)/glew.h: $(EXT)/.dummy @echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------" @echo "Creating glew.h" @echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------" test -d $(I.DEST) || mkdir -p $(I.DEST) cp -f $(SRC)/glew_license.h $@ cat $(SRC)/mesa_license.h >> $@ cat $(SRC)/khronos_license.h >> $@ cat $(SRC)/glew_head.h >> $@ $(BIN)/make_header.pl GLAPIENTRY GL $(GL_CORE_SPEC) >> $@ $(BIN)/make_header.pl GLAPIENTRY GL $(GL_EXT_SPEC) >> $@ echo -e "/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */\n\n" >> $@ $(BIN)/make_struct_fun.pl GLEW_FUN_EXPORT $(GL_CORE_SPEC) $(GL_EXT_SPEC) >> $@ $(BIN)/make_struct_var.pl GLEW_VAR_EXPORT $(GL_CORE_SPEC) $(GL_EXT_SPEC) >> $@ perl -e "s/GLEW_VAR_EXPORT GLboolean __GLEW_VERSION_1_2;/GLEW_VAR_EXPORT GLboolean __GLEW_VERSION_1_1;\nGLEW_VAR_EXPORT GLboolean __GLEW_VERSION_1_2;/" -pi $@ cat $(SRC)/glew_tail.h >> $@ perl -e "s/GLEW_VERSION_STRING/$(GLEW_VERSION)/g" -pi $@ perl -e "s/GLEW_VERSION_MAJOR_STRING/$(GLEW_MAJOR)/g" -pi $@ perl -e "s/GLEW_VERSION_MINOR_STRING/$(GLEW_MINOR)/g" -pi $@ perl -e "s/GLEW_VERSION_MICRO_STRING/$(GLEW_MICRO)/g" -pi $@ rm -f $@.bak $(I.DEST)/wglew.h: $(EXT)/.dummy @echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------" @echo "Creating wglew.h" @echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------" cp -f $(SRC)/glew_license.h $@ cat $(SRC)/khronos_license.h >> $@ cat $(SRC)/wglew_head.h >> $@ $(BIN)/make_header.pl WINAPI WGL $(WGL_EXT_SPEC) >> $@ cat $(SRC)/wglew_mid.h >> $@ $(BIN)/make_struct_fun.pl WGLEW_FUN_EXPORT $(WGL_EXT_SPEC) >> $@ $(BIN)/make_struct_var.pl WGLEW_VAR_EXPORT $(WGL_EXT_SPEC) >> $@ cat $(SRC)/wglew_tail.h >> $@ $(I.DEST)/glxew.h: $(EXT)/.dummy @echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------" @echo "Creating glxew.h" @echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------" cp -f $(SRC)/glew_license.h $@ cat $(SRC)/mesa_license.h >> $@ cat $(SRC)/khronos_license.h >> $@ cat $(SRC)/glxew_head.h >> $@ $(BIN)/make_header.pl "" GLX $(GLX_CORE_SPEC) >> $@ $(BIN)/make_header.pl "" GLX $(GLX_EXT_SPEC) >> $@ cat $(SRC)/glxew_mid.h >> $@ $(BIN)/make_struct_fun.pl GLXEW_FUN_EXPORT $(GLX_CORE_SPEC) $(GLX_EXT_SPEC) >> $@ $(BIN)/make_struct_var.pl GLXEW_VAR_EXPORT $(GLX_CORE_SPEC) $(GLX_EXT_SPEC) >> $@ perl -e "s/GLXEW_VAR_EXPORT GLboolean __GLXEW_VERSION_1_2;/GLXEW_VAR_EXPORT GLboolean __GLXEW_VERSION_1_0;\nGLXEW_VAR_EXPORT GLboolean __GLXEW_VERSION_1_1;\nGLXEW_VAR_EXPORT GLboolean __GLXEW_VERSION_1_2;/" -pi $@ cat $(SRC)/glxew_tail.h >> $@ $(I.DEST)/eglew.h: $(EXT)/.dummy @echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------" @echo "Creating eglew.h" @echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------" cp -f $(SRC)/glew_license.h $@ cat $(SRC)/mesa_license.h >> $@ cat $(SRC)/khronos_license.h >> $@ cat $(SRC)/eglew_head.h >> $@ $(BIN)/make_header.pl "" EGL $(EGL_CORE_SPEC) >> $@ $(BIN)/make_header.pl "" EGL $(EGL_EXT_SPEC) >> $@ cat $(SRC)/eglew_mid.h >> $@ $(BIN)/make_struct_fun.pl EGLEW_FUN_EXPORT $(EGL_CORE_SPEC) $(EGL_EXT_SPEC) >> $@ $(BIN)/make_struct_var.pl EGLEW_VAR_EXPORT $(EGL_CORE_SPEC) $(EGL_EXT_SPEC) >> $@ cat $(SRC)/eglew_tail.h >> $@ $(S.DEST)/glew.c: $(EXT)/.dummy @echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------" @echo "Creating glew.c" @echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------" cp -f $(SRC)/glew_license.h $@ cat $(SRC)/glew_head.c >> $@ $(BIN)/make_def_fun.pl GL $(GL_CORE_SPEC) >> $@ $(BIN)/make_def_fun.pl GL $(GL_EXT_SPEC) >> $@ echo -e "\nGLboolean __GLEW_VERSION_1_1 = GL_FALSE;" >> $@ $(BIN)/make_def_var.pl GL $(GL_CORE_SPEC) >> $@ $(BIN)/make_def_var.pl GL $(GL_EXT_SPEC) >> $@ echo -e "\nstatic const char * _glewExtensionLookup[] = {" >> $@; $(BIN)/make_index.pl $(GL_CORE_SPEC) $(GL_EXT_SPEC) >> $@ echo -e " NULL\n};\n\n" >> $@; $(BIN)/make_enable_index.pl $(GL_CORE_SPEC) $(GL_EXT_SPEC) >> $@ $(BIN)/make_initd.pl GL $(GL_CORE_SPEC) >> $@ $(BIN)/make_initd.pl GL $(GL_EXT_SPEC) >> $@ echo -e "" >> $@; $(BIN)/make_init.pl GL $(GL_CORE_SPEC) >> $@ $(BIN)/make_init.pl GL $(GL_EXT_SPEC) >> $@ cat $(SRC)/glew_init_gl.c >> $@ $(BIN)/make_list.pl $(GL_CORE_SPEC) | grep -v '\"GL_VERSION' >> $@ $(BIN)/make_list.pl $(GL_EXT_SPEC) >> $@ $(BIN)/make_list2.pl $(GL_EXT_SPEC) >> $@ echo -e "\n return GLEW_OK;\n}\n" >> $@ echo -e "\n#if defined(GLEW_OSMESA)" >> $@ echo -e "\n#elif defined(GLEW_EGL)" >> $@ $(BIN)/make_def_fun.pl EGL $(EGL_CORE_SPEC) >> $@ $(BIN)/make_def_fun.pl EGL $(EGL_EXT_SPEC) >> $@ $(BIN)/make_def_var.pl EGL $(EGL_CORE_SPEC) >> $@ $(BIN)/make_def_var.pl EGL $(EGL_EXT_SPEC) >> $@ $(BIN)/make_init.pl EGL $(EGL_CORE_SPEC) >> $@ $(BIN)/make_init.pl EGL $(EGL_EXT_SPEC) >> $@ cat $(SRC)/glew_init_egl.c >> $@ $(BIN)/make_list.pl $(EGL_CORE_SPEC) >> $@ $(BIN)/make_list.pl $(EGL_EXT_SPEC) >> $@ echo -e "\n return GLEW_OK;\n}" >> $@ echo -e "\n#elif defined(_WIN32)" >> $@ $(BIN)/make_def_fun.pl WGL $(WGL_EXT_SPEC) >> $@ $(BIN)/make_def_var.pl WGL $(WGL_EXT_SPEC) >> $@ $(BIN)/make_init.pl WGL $(WGL_EXT_SPEC) >> $@ cat $(SRC)/glew_init_wgl.c >> $@ $(BIN)/make_list.pl $(WGL_EXT_SPEC) >> $@ echo -e "\n return GLEW_OK;\n}" >> $@; echo -e "\n#elif !defined(__ANDROID__) && !defined(__native_client__) && !defined(__HAIKU__) && (!defined(__APPLE__) || defined(GLEW_APPLE_GLX))" >> $@ $(BIN)/make_def_fun.pl GLX $(GLX_CORE_SPEC) >> $@ $(BIN)/make_def_fun.pl GLX $(GLX_EXT_SPEC) >> $@ echo -e "\nGLboolean __GLXEW_VERSION_1_0 = GL_FALSE;" >> $@ echo -e "GLboolean __GLXEW_VERSION_1_1 = GL_FALSE;" >> $@ $(BIN)/make_def_var.pl GLX $(GLX_CORE_SPEC) >> $@ $(BIN)/make_def_var.pl GLX $(GLX_EXT_SPEC) >> $@ $(BIN)/make_init.pl GLX $(GLX_CORE_SPEC) >> $@ $(BIN)/make_init.pl GLX $(GLX_EXT_SPEC) >> $@ cat $(SRC)/glew_init_glx.c >> $@ $(BIN)/make_list.pl $(CORE)/GLX_VERSION_1_3 | grep -v '\"GLX_VERSION' >> $@ $(BIN)/make_list.pl $(GLX_EXT_SPEC) >> $@ echo -e "\n return GLEW_OK;\n}" >> $@ echo -e "\n#endif /* !defined(__ANDROID__) && !defined(__native_client__) && !defined(__HAIKU__) && (!defined(__APPLE__) || defined(GLEW_APPLE_GLX)) */\n" >> $@; cat $(SRC)/glew_init_tail.c >> $@ cat $(SRC)/glew_str_head.c >> $@ $(BIN)/make_str.pl $(GL_CORE_SPEC) $(GL_EXT_SPEC) >> $@ cat $(SRC)/glew_str_wgl.c >> $@ $(BIN)/make_str.pl $(WGL_EXT_SPEC) >> $@ cat $(SRC)/glew_str_glx.c >> $@ $(BIN)/make_str.pl $(GLX_CORE_SPEC) $(GLX_EXT_SPEC) >> $@ cat $(SRC)/glew_str_egl.c >> $@ $(BIN)/make_str.pl $(EGL_CORE_SPEC) $(EGL_EXT_SPEC) >> $@ cat $(SRC)/glew_str_tail.c >> $@ perl -e "s/GLEW_VERSION_STRING/$(GLEW_VERSION)/g" -pi $@ perl -e "s/GLEW_VERSION_MAJOR_STRING/$(GLEW_MAJOR)/g" -pi $@ perl -e "s/GLEW_VERSION_MINOR_STRING/$(GLEW_MINOR)/g" -pi $@ perl -e "s/GLEW_VERSION_MICRO_STRING/$(GLEW_MICRO)/g" -pi $@ perl -e "s/GLEW_ARB_vertex_shader = !_glewInit_GL_ARB_vertex_shader\(\);/{ GLEW_ARB_vertex_shader = !_glewInit_GL_ARB_vertex_shader(); _glewInit_GL_ARB_vertex_program(); }/g" -pi $@ perl -e "s/\(\(glColorSubTable = /((glBlendEquation = (PFNGLBLENDEQUATIONPROC)glewGetProcAddress((const GLubyte*)\"glBlendEquation\")) == NULL) || r;\n r = ((glColorSubTable = /g" -pi $@ rm -f $@.bak $(S.DEST)/glewinfo.c: $(EXT)/.dummy @echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------" @echo "Creating glewinfo.c" @echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------" cp -f $(SRC)/glew_license.h $@ cat $(SRC)/glewinfo_head.c >> $@ $(BIN)/make_info.pl $(GL_CORE_SPEC) >> $@ $(BIN)/make_info.pl $(GL_EXT_SPEC) >> $@ echo -e "#if defined(GLEW_EGL)\n" >> $@ $(BIN)/make_info.pl $(EGL_CORE_SPEC) >> $@ $(BIN)/make_info.pl $(EGL_EXT_SPEC) >> $@ echo -e "#elif _WIN32\n" >> $@ $(BIN)/make_info.pl $(WGL_EXT_SPEC) >> $@ echo -e "#else /* _UNIX */\n" >> $@ $(BIN)/make_info.pl $(GLX_CORE_SPEC) >> $@ $(BIN)/make_info.pl $(GLX_EXT_SPEC) >> $@ echo -e "#endif /* _WIN32 */\n" >> $@ cat $(SRC)/glewinfo_gl.c >> $@ $(BIN)/make_info_list.pl $(GL_CORE_SPEC) >> $@ $(BIN)/make_info_list.pl $(GL_EXT_SPEC) >> $@ cat $(SRC)/glewinfo_wgl.c >> $@ $(BIN)/make_info_list.pl $(WGL_EXT_SPEC) >> $@ cat $(SRC)/glewinfo_glx.c >> $@ $(BIN)/make_info_list.pl $(GLX_CORE_SPEC) >> $@ $(BIN)/make_info_list.pl $(GLX_EXT_SPEC) >> $@ cat $(SRC)/glewinfo_egl.c >> $@ $(BIN)/make_info_list.pl $(EGL_CORE_SPEC) >> $@ $(BIN)/make_info_list.pl $(EGL_EXT_SPEC) >> $@ cat $(SRC)/glewinfo_tail.c >> $@ perl -e 's/"glColorSubTable"/"glBlendEquation", glBlendEquation == NULL);\n glewInfoFunc(fi, "glColorSubTable"/g' -pi $@ rm -f $@.bak # Update documentation $(D.DEST)/%.html: doc/%.html @echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------" @echo "Creating $(@F)" @echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------" cat $(SRC)/header.html $< $(SRC)/footer.html | \ perl -pe 's#(.*)#\1#' > $@ $(D.DEST)/glew.html: $(EXT)/.dummy @echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------" @echo "Creating glew.html" @echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------" cp -f $(SRC)/header.html $@ echo -e "

Supported OpenGL Extensions

\n" >> $@ $(BIN)/make_html.pl $(GL_EXT_SPEC) >> $@ cat $(SRC)/footer.html >> $@ perl -i -pe 's#(.*)#\1#' $@ $(D.DEST)/wglew.html: $(EXT)/.dummy @echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------" @echo "Creating wglew.html" @echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------" cp -f $(SRC)/header.html $@ echo -e "

Supported WGL Extensions

\n" >> $@ $(BIN)/make_html.pl $(WGL_EXT_SPEC) >> $@ cat $(SRC)/footer.html >> $@ perl -i -pe 's#(.*)#\1#' $@ $(D.DEST)/glxew.html: $(EXT)/.dummy @echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------" @echo "Creating glxew.html" @echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------" cp -f $(SRC)/header.html $@ echo -e "

Supported GLX Extensions

\n" >> $@ $(BIN)/make_html.pl $(GLX_EXT_SPEC) >> $@ cat $(SRC)/footer.html >> $@ perl -i -pe 's#(.*)#\1#' $@ $(B.DEST)/%.rc: src/%.rc $(EXT)/.dummy perl -e "s/GLEW_MAJOR/$(GLEW_MAJOR)/g;s/GLEW_MINOR/$(GLEW_MINOR)/g;s/GLEW_MICRO/$(GLEW_MICRO)/g;" -p $< > $@ clean: rm -rf $(I.TARGETS) $(S.TARGETS) $(D.TARGETS) $(B.TARGETS) clobber: clean rm -rf $(EXT) destroy: clobber rm -rf registry