
23 lines
1.3 KiB

<table class="table table-hover">
<td width="70px"><a href="{{ url_for('user', nickname=post.author.nickname) }}"><img src="{{ post.author.avatar(70) }}" /></a></td>
{% autoescape false %}
<p>{{ _('%(nickname)s said %(when)s:', nickname='<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (url_for('user', nickname=post.author.nickname), post.author.nickname), when=momentjs(post.timestamp).fromNow()) }}</p>
{% endautoescape %}
<p><strong><span id="post{{ post.id }}">{{ post.body }}</span></strong></p>
{% if post.language != None and post.language != '' and post.language != g.locale %}
<span id="translation{{ post.id }}">
<a href="javascript:translate('{{ post.language }}', '{{ g.locale }}', '#post{{ post.id }}', '#translation{{ post.id }}', '#loading{{ post.id }}');">{{ _('Translate') }}</a>
<img id="loading{{ post.id }}" style="display: none" src="/static/img/loading.gif">
{% endif %}
{% if post.author.id == g.user.id %}
<div><a href="{{ url_for('delete', id = post.id) }}">{{ _('Delete') }}</a></div>
{% endif %}