void genNoiseWave(XYscope xy) { // set new noiseSeed noiseSeed(frameCount); // get bufferSize() of output // initialize array for storing values yWave = new float[xy.waveSize()]; xWave = new float[xy.waveSize()]; float nx = random(1); float ny = random(1); // add noise walker to waveform for (int i=0; i filling; j--) { xy.ellipse(map(note, 0, 11, 2 * width / 15, 13 * width / 15), height / 2, j, j); } } if (timbre == 1) { C_point p0 = new C_point(map(note, 0, 11, 2 * width / 15, 13 * width / 15), height / 2); C_point p1 = new C_point(map(note, 0, 11, 2 * width / 15, 13 * width / 15) + cos(t[i] / 1f) + 150 + noise(t[i] / 100f) * 100f, + sin(t[i] / 1f) + height / 2 + noise(t[i] / 10f) * 100f ); C_point p2 = new C_point(map(note, 0, 11, 2 * width / 15, 13 * width / 15) - cos(t[i] / 1f) + 150 * 2, - sin(t[i] / 10f) + 200 + height / 2 + noise(t[i] / 1f) * 100f); C_point p3 = new C_point(map(note, 0, 11, 2 * width / 15, 13 * width / 15), height / 2); C_point p4 = new C_point(map(note, 0, 11, 2 * width / 15, 13 * width / 15), height / 2); C_point p5 = new C_point(map(note, 0, 11, 2 * width / 15, 13 * width / 15) - cos(t[i] / 1f) - 150 - noise(t[i] / 100f) * 100f, - sin(t[i] / 1f) + height / 2 - noise(t[i] / 10f) * 100f ); C_point p6 = new C_point(map(note, 0, 11, 2 * width / 15, 13 * width / 15) + cos(t[i] / 1f) - 150 * 2, + sin(t[i] / 10f) - 200 + height / 2 - noise(t[i] / 1f) * 100f); C_point p7 = new C_point(map(note, 0, 11, 2 * width / 15, 13 * width / 15), height / 2); xy.beginShape(); for (float tt = 0; tt < 1; tt+= 0.01) { C_point pFinal = cubicBezier(p0, p1, p2, p3, tt); C_point pFinal2 = cubicBezier(p4, p5, p6, p7, tt); xy.vertex(pFinal.x, pFinal.y); } xy.endShape(); xy.beginShape(); for (float tt = 0; tt < 1; tt+= 0.01) { C_point pFinal = cubicBezier(p4, p5, p6, p7, tt); xy.vertex(pFinal.x, pFinal.y); } xy.endShape(); for (int j = -3; j < 4; j++) { xy.line(map(note, 0, 11, 2 * width / 15, 13 * width / 15)- 200 +j, height / 2 + 200+j, map(note, 0, 11, 2 * width / 15, 13 * width / 15) + 50+j, height / 2 - 50+j); } } if (timbre == 2) { xy.beginShape(); xy.vertex(map(note, 0, 11, 2 * width / 15, 13 * width / 15), height / 2 - height / 4); xy.vertex(map(note, 0, 11, 2 * width / 15, 13 * width / 15), height / 2 + height / 4); xy.vertex(map(note, 0, 11, 2 * width / 15, 13 * width / 15) + height / 2, height / 2 - height / 4); xy.vertex(map(note, 0, 11, 2 * width / 15, 13 * width / 15), height / 2 - height / 4); xy.endShape();; } if (timbre == 3) { xy.ellipse(map(note, 0, 11, 2 * width / 15, 13 * width / 15) + t[i], height / 4, height/10, height/10); xy.beginShape(); xy.vertex(map(note, 0, 11, 2 * width / 15, 13 * width / 15) + t[i], height / 4 + height/10); xy.vertex(map(note, 0, 11, 2 * width / 15, 13 * width / 15) + t[i], height / 4 + 2 * height / 6); xy.vertex(map(note, 0, 11, 2 * width / 15, 13 * width / 15) + t[i] + height / 6, height / 4 + height / 2); xy.vertex(map(note, 0, 11, 2 * width / 15, 13 * width / 15) + t[i], height / 4 + 2 * height / 6); xy.vertex(map(note, 0, 11, 2 * width / 15, 13 * width / 15) + t[i] - height / 6, height / 4 + height / 2); xy.vertex(map(note, 0, 11, 2 * width / 15, 13 * width / 15) + t[i], height / 4 + 2 * height / 6); xy.vertex(map(note, 0, 11, 2 * width / 15, 13 * width / 15) + t[i], height / 4 + 1 * height / 6); xy.vertex(map(note, 0, 11, 2 * width / 15, 13 * width / 15) + t[i] + height / 6, height / 4 + 1 * height / 6); xy.vertex(map(note, 0, 11, 2 * width / 15, 13 * width / 15) + t[i], height / 4 + 1 * height / 6); xy.vertex(map(note, 0, 11, 2 * width / 15, 13 * width / 15) + t[i] - height / 6, height / 4 + 1 * height / 6); xy.endShape(); } if (timbre == 4) { xy.rect(map(note, 0, 11, 2 * width / 15, 13 * width / 15) - height / 10, height / 2 - height / 10, height/5, height/5); for (int j = height / 5; j > filling; j--) { xy.rect(map(note, 0, 11, 2 * width / 15, 13 * width / 15) + filling - j, height / 2 + filling - j, j, j); } } } public interface Draw_notes { void draw_(XYscope xy, int i); } class C { void draw_C(XYscope xy, int i) { draw_shape(xy, 0, i); } } class C_sharp { void draw_C_sharp(XYscope xy, int i) { draw_shape(xy, 1, i); } } class D { void draw_D(XYscope xy, int i) { draw_shape(xy, 2, i); } } class D_sharp { void draw_D_sharp(XYscope xy, int i) { draw_shape(xy, 3, i); } } class E { void draw_E(XYscope xy, int i) { draw_shape(xy, 4, i); } } class F { void draw_F(XYscope xy, int i) { draw_shape(xy, 5, i); } } class F_sharp { void draw_F_sharp(XYscope xy, int i) { draw_shape(xy, 6, i); } } class G { void draw_G(XYscope xy, int i) { draw_shape(xy, 7, i); } } class G_sharp { void draw_G_sharp(XYscope xy, int i) { draw_shape(xy, 8, i); } } class A { void draw_A(XYscope xy, int i) { draw_shape(xy, 9, i); } } class A_sharp { void draw_A_sharp(XYscope xy, int i) { draw_shape(xy, 10, i); } } class B { void draw_B(XYscope xy, int i) { draw_shape(xy, 11, i); } }