import config from config import * from parse import * interactive_grammar = r""" ?start: imply | initial_fact | query ?imply: xor "=>" xor -> imply | xor "<=>" xor -> iff ?xor: or | xor "^" or -> ft_xor ?or: and | or "|" and -> ft_or ?and: atom | and "+" atom -> ft_and ?atom: UCASE_LETTER -> var | "!" atom -> ft_not | "(" xor ")" ?initial_fact: "=" UCASE_LETTER* -> set_fact ?query: "?" UCASE_LETTER+ ->query _LI: (_COMMENT | LF+) _COMMENT: /#[^\n].*\n/ %import common.UCASE_LETTER %import common.NUMBER %import common.WS_INLINE %import common.LF %ignore WS_INLINE %ignore _COMMENT """ def reset_states(): for idx in fact_dict: fact_dict[idx].state = False fact_dict[idx].is_set = False def interactive(): print('Welcome to the best expert system in the world wide web') calc_parser = Lark(interactive_grammar, parser='lalr', debug=True, transformer=computer) while True: try: s = input('> ') except EOFError: break if (s == 'exit'): exit('Good bye') continue elif (s == 'reset'): reset_states() continue elif (s == 'reset --hard'): config.fact_dict = {} continue try: tree = calc_parser.parse(s) except UnexpectedInput as e: print(e) continue if (tree == None): continue if ( == "imply" or == "iff"): set_trees(tree) else: query(tree)