
151 lines
4.7 KiB

use std::fs::File;
use std::io::{self, BufRead};
use std::path::Path;
use std::cmp::Ordering;
enum Elem {
use crate::Elem::{Number, List};
// I modified my input because the only 2 digits number was 10
// I replaced all 10s with ':' so that I can parse more easely
fn parse_line(line: &str, mut ind: usize) -> (Elem, usize) {
let mut elems: Vec<Elem> = vec![];
let mut len = 0;
while ind < line.len() {
let a = line[ind..ind+1].chars().next().unwrap();
match a {
'[' => { // Creer une List, la push sur le vecteur en cours
println!("Entering sublist from index {} to {}", ind, ind+1);
let (a, b) = parse_line(line, ind+1);
println!("Sublist len was {}, Left sublist, now at index {}", b, ind+b);
ind += b;
len += b;
']' => {
println!("Returning list with index {}", ind);
return (List(elems), len + 1);
} // Remonter le vecteur en cours de 1,
'0'..=':' => {
println!("Pushing {}", a as u8 - b'0');
elems.push(Number(a as u8 - b'0')); // Creer un nombre, le push sur le vecteur en cours
_ => (),
ind += 1;
len += 1;
unreachable!("parse_line end of function");
//println!("unreachable !!!! UNREACHABLE");
//(List(elems), len)
fn compare(lhs: &Elem, rhs: &Elem) -> Ordering {
let mut lhs_v = &vec![];
let mut rhs_v = &vec![];
if let List(a) = lhs {
lhs_v = a;
if let List(a) = rhs {
rhs_v = a;
println!("[ start list");
for i in 0..lhs_v.len() {
if i >= rhs_v.len() {
println!("Right side ran out of items, so inputs are NOT in the right order");
return Ordering::Greater;
match (&lhs_v[i], &rhs_v[i]) {
(List(_), List(_)) => {
let c = compare(&lhs_v[i], &rhs_v[i]);
if c != Ordering::Equal {
return c;
(List(_), Number(b)) => {
println!("Mixed types; convert right to [{}] and retry comparison", b);
let c = compare(&lhs_v[i], &List(vec![Number(*b)]));
if c != Ordering::Equal {
return c;
(Number(a), List(_)) => {
println!("Mixed types; convert left to [{}] and retry comparison", a);
let c = compare(&List(vec![Number(*a)]), &rhs_v[i]);
if c != Ordering::Equal {
return c;
(Number(a), Number(b)) => {
println!("Compare {} vs {}", a, b);
if a < b {
println!("Left side is smaller, so input are in the right order");
return Ordering::Less;
if a > b {
println!("Right side is smaller, so input are NOT in the right order");
return Ordering::Greater;
if rhs_v.len() > lhs_v.len() {
println!("Left side ran out of items, so inputs are in the right order");
return Ordering::Less;
println!("end list ]");
fn main() {
let file_path = String::from("../aoc_13a/input");
println!("In file {}", file_path);
let mut data: Vec<Elem> = vec![];
if let Ok(lines) = read_lines(file_path) {
// Consumes the iterator, returns an (Optional) String
for (i, line) in lines.enumerate() {
if let Ok(ip) = line {
match i % 3 {
0..=1 => data.push(parse_line(&ip, 1).0),
_ => (),
data.sort_by(|a, b| compare(a, b));
let mut a = None;
let mut b = None;
for i in {
if compare(&data[i], &List(vec![List(vec![Number(2)])])) == Ordering::Equal {
a = Some(i + 1);
if compare(&data[i], &List(vec![List(vec![Number(6)])])) == Ordering::Equal {
b = Some(i + 1);
let a = a.unwrap();
let b = b.unwrap();
println!("{} {} {}", a, b, a * b);
//println!("{:?}", data);
fn read_lines<P>(filename: P) -> io::Result<io::Lines<io::BufReader<File>>>
where P: AsRef<Path>, {
let file = File::open(filename)?;